A 350 cow unit near Newton Stewart (Scotland) has been using Axcelera-C on its calves in groups of 15-20. They add several kgs of Axcelera-C in the trough morning and evening and are seeing greater intakes.

As the younger calves enter the group they take to the Axcelera-C well by learning from the older calves in the pen. This means that Axcelera-C is entering and being digested in the rumen from a very early age - accelerating the calf's development and lifetime performance. For a few weeks before and after weaning, Axcelera-C is top-dressed on standard starter pellets in the same trough.

One particular observation is that since using Axcelera-C is that they have not had to intervene or spend money on addressing any scour issues, as a result of the calves intaking Axcelera-C from such an early age.